
Saturday, January 2, 2010

...and in with the New!!!!!!

Happy New Year from our family to yours!!!

Happy New Year!  A new year (and decade) has begun.  I have been thinking about my New Year's Resolutions.  Starting a new year is so exciting to me, like a fresh chance to do things right.  I am proud of the things Jared and I accomplished in 2009 (biggies such as: him-promotion, me-baby), but I have many goals for 2010.  Here are a few in no particular order:

1.  Blog at least weekly
2.  Potty-train Nathan
3.  Wean Hannah (not till this summer, but it is key to #4)
4.  Go on a trip with Jared without the kids (we are thinking New York in the fall...)
5.  Visit Jared's extended family in Utah, we haven't been down there since before we got married!
6.  Lose all my baby + holiday weight (10-15 pounds, yikes)
7.  Exercise at least 5 days a week
8.  Increase fruits and veggies, decrease sweets
9.  Study the Scriptures daily (not a new goal, just one I need to get better at)
10.  Become a better wife and mother!!!!
11.  Keep a cleaner house
12.  Less time on the computer, more time on the floor (playing with the kids)
12.  Learn new ways to be frugal
13.  Establish some great friendships in Denver
14.  Have people over to dinner at least twice a month

Okay, I'd better stop.  This list is certainly not complete, but I'm starting to feel a touch overwhelmed... :-)

What are your New Year's Resolutions?


  1. I'm happy to have found your blog! I had been reading your other one but I noticed you did not post much on that one. You have GREAT 2010 goals! Your blog is like a tribute to stay at home Moms and I love that!

  2. Ok, so it's a small world! Jill is my aunt and McKay therefore is my cousin. I saw your comment on her blog and followed it here. Now that we are nursing buddies, we should become blogging buddies too! Hopefully I can help with #13 on your list! Come visit us at
