
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Adventures in Potty Training

Potty Training has begun.  I have been dreading this almost since I found out I was pregnant with a boy.  How do you potty train a boy?  Standing up or sitting down?  Pee guard or no pee guard?  His own little potty on the floor or a little seat that fits on top of the toilet?  When to start: when he starts to show signs of readiness or wait until he initiates it himself?  So many options, and no clear right choices.  With a lot of doubt and nervousness, we began the potty training adventure yesterday. 

This is the text I sent my mom last night:  "I decided to start potty training Nathan.  Put him in underwear all day, watched him like a hawk, put him on the toilet every hour, and ran him to the bathroom every time he started to have an accident and yet somehow he managed to get not a drop of urine in the toilet.  Plus Hannah was really fussy so I was a little frazzled by the time Jared got home." 

I spent most of FHE last night searching for the part of the Sermon on the Mount where Jesus talks about potty training "Blessed are those that potty on their Elmo potty chair."  I know it's in there somewhere....

Needless to say I was a little frustrated.  The only saving grace was the all the funny one-liners Nathan kept coming up with while sitting on the toilet, "Whoa whoa, what's going on?"  "Pee, where's the pee?"  and of course "Wanna watch Cars?"

Today was a lot better.  With the help of a little warm water, I was able to finally show Nathan what exactly was expected of him while on the toilet.  He peed on the toilet every time today, even staying dry while running errands with me and during his nap.  I know every day won't be perfect but I was greatly encouraged.

Next step, poop.  Can I skip this milestone?

1 comment:

  1. haha Heather this is hilarious! I hope things are going better!
